We decided to join daddy's afternoon walk (and random casting of his rod) today. To stay local, Kevin decided to walk along the SJ aqueduct/reservoir. I spent my time running nervously close to the littlest ones but regardless we had a great time. (not sure we'll ever do that again, but it was still a lovely late afternoon) Cuddly Remy began a game of "fake injury" (LOL) so he could get lots of cuddles and hugs from all of us, especially his sisters. These are the pictures where the kids are running to each other with open arms or sitting on the floor with open arms. Although he was giggling the entire time, he made sure to include fake crying and even point to supposed injuries.
Aside from running about (and making mommy a nervous wreck) we saw a number of birds. Kevin had no luck with his random casts and lost a lure.