Simone is a born performer with many musical talents. She loves organization and is your go-to for all technological or household how-to's. She's mommy's faithful other right hand.

Simone is a born performer with many musical talents. She loves organization and is your go-to for all technological or household how-to's. She's mommy's faithful other right hand.
You're often told that you will know what you're true calling is when you find yourself the happiest. Motherhood is it for me. I am at my happiest. Albeit there are days when I am overwhelmed and cry, or I feel the depth of my children's pain. Regardless, there is nothing in the world I would change. or would have changed of our experience to now. I have it all when I look into those eyes, make that next plan and HAVE had it all from the many lesson's I've learned or pain I've felt from the growth I've had in seven years.
I can DO a lot of random things, and have DONE many as well but the challenge, joys and growth from Motherhood carry more value and are more lasting. I have also experienced more pain that I could ever imagine but the changes that have come from that pain has made me more empathetic and grateful.
Motherhood is the one thing I have done in my life where I DON'T look forward to an ending. I can only look forward to how much BIGGER and BETTER it gets. I am truly fulfilled.